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Akkos einzigartige und traditionelle Küche

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Das Mittelmeer inspiriert die köstlichen Gerichte von AkkoDie nahöstliche Küche von Akko ist von seinem Standort und seinen Menschen inspiriert, eine Kombination aus mediterranen und nahöstlichen Wurzeln mit verschiedenen ethnischen Einflüssen aus arabischen, nordafrikanischen und europäischen Ländern. Restaurants sind stolz auf die Frische ihres Fisches von lokalen Fischern, sowie auf lokales Fleisch und Produkte. Wie so viele von Akkos Einrichtungen gibt es zahlreiche Familienrestaurants mit Traditionen, die von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wurden. Einige Betriebe haben klein angefangen und sind im Laufe der Jahre gewachsen, während andere seit Jahrzehnten genau gleich geblieben sind. Oft spürt man die langjährige Tradition der einzelnen Restaurants in ihren herzlichen und einladenden Kellnern und Mitarbeitern.

Es ist schwer, ein nahöstliches Restaurant in Akko zu wählen, weil es so viele ausgezeichnete Restaurants gibt. Die einzigartigen Ausblicke sind Teil des Erlebnisses, ob am Meer oder in einer Altstadtgasse. Erwarten Sie großzügige Vorspeisen namens „Mezzes”, die eine Vielzahl frischer und gekochter Salate enthalten, wie in Tahini getauchter Blumenkohl, Auberginensalat, Taboulé, Labane, Tehina, Hummus, Falafel, bevor Sie sich in Hauptgerichte vertiefen, die gekochte oder gegrillte Fänge des Tages, wie Brassen oder mediterraner Wolfsbarsch, sowie Garnelen- und Tintenfischgerichte. Fleischliebhaber finden in den meisten Restaurants Kebab und verschiedene gegrillte Fleischsorten, während Vegetarier und Veganer eine Fülle von Vorspeisen, Salaten, gegrilltem Gemüse und mehr genießen können. Die schiere Anzahl an Restaurants macht die Auswahl sehr schwer!

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Old akko


This Ottoman building turned restaurant, with its beautiful courtyard, is the creation of three partners, of three different faiths, Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Surrounded by greenery, huge arches and exposed stone walls, this restaurant gem serves Kosher and modern Levantine food with high quality local ingredients
Akko city

Mualam Restaurant

A well-known local street restaurant at the entrance to the Old City with simple tables and authentic local food: shish kebab, shwarma, grilled catch of the day, falafel, salads, hummus and more. The restaurant's yellow sign is a familiar sight for veteran Akko visitors.
Akko city

Mobarsham Argaman beach

A large beach restaurant on Argaman Beach in Akko, offers a menu of traditional Arabian food, fish and grilled meats, a selection of salads and oriental desserts. Sitting inside or on the beach terrace.
Old akko

Mobarsham Western coast

This restaurant opened in 1970 as a small family place that fed students homemade authentic dishes. Over the years it has expanded and become a prominent restaurant in the Akko's west side, with authentic fish and meat dishes, salads, special deserts and more.
Akko city


A 10min walk from the Old City, this restaurant was opened by a pair of Akko restaurateurs, Issa and Manar Elias, and offers Galilean and Italian cuisine. Many dishes are baked in the restaurant's Taboon, and besides fish, meat and doughy dishes, a diverse brunch menu is served until 2pm.
Old akko

Halil Jerchi & Sons

This fish shop, founded by Khalil Jarchi and now run by his sons, the Jarchi brothers, serves fresh seafood that make their way to the plate straight from the store. Diners can choose their seafood, watch its preparation, and enjoy. Meat lovers and children will find other meat and chicken dishes as well.
Akko city

Loaves & Fish

The Hanna family has run this sea facing restaurant since 1962. Decorated with colorful artwork and arched windows, the restaurant serves Middle Eastern salads and starters, seafood, along with kebabs, grilled meats, steaks and other Middle Eastern dishes.
Old akko


A restaurant that is part of our home, the restaurant is located in front of the promenade and the lighthouse at the end of the Akko Peninsula. The restaurant serves seafood and meats in the local Akko style of cooking and delicious taste.
Old akko


Dreamy views meet fresh seafood and meat at this well known restaurant. Perched over the Mediterranean Sea, facing the ancient walls of Akko’s Old City, Doniana’s fancier menu features fresh grilled fish and tender meats accompanied by a plethora of side dishes.
Old akko

Gallery Samaan

Just outside of the old city, opposite the Or Torah Synagogue, this well known local family run Lebanese restaurant offers Middle Eastern salads and starters, fish and meat dishes. Many locals come to socialize in the intimate atmosphere, which can be enjoyed in its upper level as well.
Old akko


Located in the southern part of the Old City, in the Pisan Harbor, this local establishment offers grilled and fried fish dishes with a variety of sauces and toppings, seafood stews and fresh and cooked salads. Also holds events for larger groups.
Old akko

El Khan

Located in the unique Khan a-Shwarda building in the Old city, which has undergone meticulous preservation in recent years. The restaurant interior remains clean, contemporary and elegant. Enjoy fresh and authentic seafood, meat and vegetable dishes. The restaurant also holds festive events in both its indoor or outdoor spaces.
Old akko

Abu Christo

Seaside Greek family owned restaurant since 1948, now run by the founder Anastas's grandson. Enjoy fresh seafood and meat dishes, great salads and starters and be sure to take a look at the thousand year old wine room built during the Crusader period, which also serves as an event space.

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