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对于爱好美食的旅行者来说,阿卡是鹰嘴豆泥(Hummus)爱好者的天堂,每年成千上万的本地和国际游客涌向阿卡品尝鹰嘴豆泥(Hummus)。 阿卡以其鹰嘴豆泥而闻名:其品质、品种以及销售鹰嘴豆泥的餐厅数量之多令人瞠目结舌。 但最为特别的是,阿卡的鹰嘴豆泥其实是一个家务事。 每家Hummusia(鹰嘴豆泥餐厅)都有自己家族的制作传统,可以追溯到几十年前,家庭食谱代代相传。 Hummusia(鹰嘴豆泥餐厅)通常以其创始人的名字命名,如今它可能由女儿或孙子经营。 事实上,阿卡的不少鹰嘴豆泥餐厅都是由继承父母传统的女性来经营的。

重要的是要了解,在以色列,鹰嘴豆泥可以是开胃菜、配菜,但通常是主菜。 当地人会吃掉一整碗鹰嘴豆泥,无论有没有皮塔饼、蚕豆()、蘑菇、松子、煮鸡蛋、碎肉、素炸丸子、西红柿、泡菜、洋葱或其他配料. 一碗新鲜可口的鹰嘴豆泥是一顿美味又便宜的饭菜,可以让素食者和肉食者拥有几个小时的饱腹感。

虽然配料很简单——将鹰嘴豆捣碎,与芝麻酱、橄榄油、柠檬汁、大蒜和其他调味料混合——但每个家庭食谱都会以略微不同地方式烹饪鹰嘴豆,或者以不同的方式将它们捣碎,制成鹰嘴豆泥,鹰嘴豆泥可以是轻而蓬松的,也可以是厚而敦实的,更咸、甜或带有一丝酸味。 为了确保鹰嘴豆泥的质量,一些餐厅会手工捣碎鹰嘴豆,甚至搭配餐厅自制的橄榄油。 鹰嘴豆泥最好是新鲜食用,这就是为什么鹰嘴豆泥餐厅会在早上开门,并且通常在每日的批次售罄后即刻关门,有时可能是下午一早就关门了。


走进下面的任何一个餐馆,它们都位于阿卡城内,而且都很赞! 在一些餐厅中,您会发现其他当地菜肴,如素炸丸子(falafel)、茄子沙拉、地中海脱乳清酸奶、葡萄叶包饭等等- 但没有鹰嘴豆泥的餐就算不上一顿饭!

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Old akko

Hummus Said

Perhaps the most famous in Akko, Said has been making hummus for more than 35 years. Expect long lines and a chaotic scene - hummus fanatics come from far and wide to sample their secret recipe.
Old akko

Hummus Issa

Fatma Aisa runs this small family restaurant inspired by cooking traditions from her home. Here you can find other local favorites like: fatir (spinach and zatar pastry), Kibbeh (burgul balls filled with meat), and stuffed grape leaves.
Old akko

Hummus Hamudi

For over 40 years, they've been serving locals their creamy and smooth hummus along with golden balls of falafel and more. Outside of the old city, this family establishment has pleasant and quick service.
Old akko

Hummus Golden Spoon

The restaurant was founded and run by Nabil, who is born and lives in Akko. The hummus cooked and prepared in the restaurant is authentic, coarse and carefully seasoned hummus, and is served alongside pitas and salads. In addition to hummus, you can find in the restaurant meat dishes, grilled skewers, fish, salads and desserts. Among the special dishes are the ben'amu ("mother's white"), a warm and traditional white soup in which mutton is cooked slowly. The dish is served with rice seasoned on a hot pan.
Old akko

Hummus Ful Shamsia

Another alcove in the crowded market serving delicious Hummus hot falafel and garlicky mashwashe. Get your Hummus the classic way, hand-ground to order by the resident matriarch, with warm chickpeas, parsley and olive oil on top.
Old akko

Hummus Al Abed Abu Hamid

While she holds a Masters in Social Work, Arin ended up following her father's dream and today she runs her blue decorated Hummus restaurant with a variety of local home cooked Arab dishes like treedi, a dish of crusty pita slices covered with hot chickpeas, garlic, fresh yogurt, slivered almonds, and parsley.
Old akko

Hummus Abu Souheil (Souhila)

Souhila al-Hindi's father opened the restaurant in the 1960s, and today she is assisted by her sister and nephews who serve Hummus with a warm-hearted smile and a variety of toppings, hot fresh falafel and a myriad of salads.
Old akko

Hummus Abu George

George's Restaurant is located next to the steps of the Al Jazzar Mosque and is open Monday to Saturday and closed on Sundays. The restaurant contains about ten tables, the pride of the place is Lebanese-style dishes and chickpeas, chickpeas with a special flavor plus delicious falafel balls, also served: masbaha, mashwasha bean dish, roast meat, mutton and chicken salads and more.
Old akko

Hummus Abu Elias

Hummus has been served here for over sixty years according to a family secret passed down from generation to generation. You'll find a variety of toppings along with fresh and cooked salads, French fries, falafel and Hummus's more strongly flavored cousin, mashwashe.
Old akko

Falafel Arafe

Operating since 1959, this family falafel stand produces falafel balls with perfect cooperation and speed. Considered one of the best in the country, it is famous for both its quality and their unique placement of their golden balls





阿卡 (Akko)的空气中弥漫着咸味和甜味。



