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在喧嚣中尽享美食 以色列随处可见古老的街边市场,而阿卡古城是全国人民的心头爱。 老城区狭窄的小巷给你一种穿越到了另一个时空的古老时代感。 石头地板走道周围排列的摊位在卖衣服,有的在卖甜甜的糖浆糕点,有的在卖蔬菜,有的在卖家具——这看起来似乎没有任何逻辑或顺序,但一切都各就其位。 也许是因为大多数摊位都是代代相传的,几十年来如一日,他们一直在卖同样的产品。

如果没有发现市场的宝藏美食,阿卡的美食之旅就不完整。 与任何市场一样,它会随着季节或卖家的突发奇想而变化。 果汁车可能按天或按小时移动。 但有些产品总能找到。 一定要品尝不同的橄榄,挑选一些烘焙咖啡豆或喝一杯浓烈的土耳其咖啡,以保持敏锐的感官。 花点时间在香料箱附近徘徊,在那里您会发现深红色的盐肤木果和黑种草种子,它们既美味又具有治疗作用。 您会在这里找到美味的当地应季水果和蔬菜,这些水果和蔬菜随季节变化。

除了面包店、糕点店(见这里)和美味的鹰嘴豆泥(见这里)之外,您总能找到一些马拉比(如中东意式奶冻)或鲜榨果汁,去寻找一下新鲜甘蔗汁混搭生姜、柠檬和薄荷的果汁吧。 当然啦,还有鱼,渔民们有时会在这里出售当天捕获的鱼:红鲻鱼、白石斑鱼、齿鱼、沙丁鱼、虾、鱿鱼、对虾和牡蛎,如果幸运的话,您可能会看到鲨鱼。

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Old akko

Soul Burger

A surprising but successful addition to the city's culinary scene, Ekel & Osman, Akko residents and owners of the place, offer a quality burger made daily with fresh meat and served with quality beer.
Old akko

Sharqawi Spices

Our spice blends upgrade the taste of the food without the addition of preservatives and food coloring, everything is natural and healthy.
Old akko

Octavio Pomegranate & Beetroot Juices cart

Octavio Sousa's juice cart stands at the end of the Turkish Bazaar. Its location does not mean that you have to wait for the end of the trip to get a dose of sweetness and health. Octavio says that after tasting the special juices you no longer think it is expensive. Its fruits are especially tasty, and among the special juices are combinations of pomegranates and oranges, beets and apples that are considered delicacies.
Akko city


A few steps from "Aziza's", Shiran Ashkenazi prepares her mother's famous Tunisian sandwiches as well as the Jerusalem mix grill sandwich (chicken, beef, spleen and fat), great falafel and a variety of fresh salads.
Old akko

Kurdi Spice Shop

Marwan Kurdi is the owner of this famous spice shop, decorated with oceanic treasures. Locals come here to buy ras el hanout, a combination of 12 secret spices, or other rarities like Madagascar cinnamon.
Old akko

Falafel Arafe

Operating since 1959, this family falafel stand produces falafel balls with perfect cooperation and speed. Considered one of the best in the country, it is famous for both its quality and their unique placement of their golden balls
Old akko

Bader Coffee

Deeb Bader runs this famous coffee and spice stall, with roasted coffee from all over the world and spices such as aromatic fresh za'atar. Make sure to try their traditional black coffee with cardamom or hawaij, a mix of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves.
Akko city


A mythological sandwich stand in the city, named after the owner's mother, where you can find Habiza sweet rolls stuffed with beef patties in red sauce, schnitzel or fried eggplant sandwiches, as well as Makuda, Moroccan potato pie.
Old akko

Ahmed Zahur & Sons, Fish Stand

Well known for their fresh and quality fish that make their way to many restaurants in the area.





阿卡 (Akko)的空气中弥漫着咸味和甜味。



